Before we finish up, I would like to give you the opportunity to comment on any aspect of your experience since YOUR BABY was born that you feel is important, but that we have not yet covered.
This concludes the interview. Do you have any questions for me?
I really appreciate the time that you have given, not only for this interview, but also during your entire participation in the study. Thank you very much. (Stop taping)
After the tape has stopped, mention that another family had a newborn baby that was diagnosed through the screening study around the time that their baby was diagnosed. Ask if they would be interested in getting in touch with this family. Both families would have to be interested, but if they are, tell them I can let the study staff know this and they can put the families in contact with each other.
Case Number:
Date of interview
Time interview started:
Time interview ended
Initial impressions of how the interview went (include non-verbal cues from in-person interviews):
Concerns about validity (parent tired, exhausted, just going through motions, distractions in the room):
Birth date
Race OMB.1997
Education level USA type
Death date and time
Gestational age value