Occupation therapy intervention type

General Details:

Occupation therapy intervention type
The type as related to intervention in occupational therapy.
Registration Status:

Permissible Values:

Data Type:
Value List
Unit of Measure:
Value Code Name Code Code System Code Description
Assessment/evaluation Assessment/evaluation Assessment/evaluation
Education/training Education/training Education/training
Prescription Prescription Prescription
Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication
Fitting/Adjustment Fitting/Adjustment Fitting/Adjustment
Balance Balance Balance
Postural control Postural control Postural control
Reaching Reaching Reaching
Fine Motor/Dexterity Fine Motor/Dexterity Fine Motor/Dexterity
UE Motor Control CIMT UE Motor Control CIMT UE Motor Control CIMT
UE Motor Control Bimanual UE Motor Control Bimanual UE Motor Control Bimanual
UE Motor Control Other UE Motor Control Other UE Motor Control Other
Repetitive task practice Repetitive task practice Repetitive task practice
Facilitation/Handling Facilitation/Handling Facilitation/Handling
Oral-Motor Facilitation Oral-Motor Facilitation Oral-Motor Facilitation
Strengthening Strengthening Strengthening
Stretching Stretching Stretching
Cardiopulmonary Cardiopulmonary Cardiopulmonary
Visual Perceptual Visual Perceptual Visual Perceptual
Visual Visual-Motor Visual Visual-Motor Visual Visual-Motor
Visual Low vision/CVI Visual Low vision/CVI Visual Low vision/CVI
Visual Oculomotor Visual Oculomotor Visual Oculomotor
Sensory-Processing Registration Sensory-Processing Registration Sensory-Processing Registration
Sensory-Processing Modulation Sensory-Processing Modulation Sensory-Processing Modulation
Sensory-Processing Discrimination Sensory-Processing Discrimination Sensory-Processing Discrimination
Sensory-Processing Sensory diet Sensory-Processing Sensory diet Sensory-Processing Sensory diet
Cognitive training Cognitive training Cognitive training
Behavioral/emotional regulation Behavioral/emotional regulation Behavioral/emotional regulation
Compensatory strategies Compensatory strategies Compensatory strategies
Environmental modifications Environmental modifications Environmental modifications
Energy conservation Energy conservation Energy conservation
Ergonomic intervention Ergonomic intervention Ergonomic intervention
Electrotherapeutic NMES Electrotherapeutic NMES Electrotherapeutic NMES
Electrotherapeutic TENS Electrotherapeutic TENS Electrotherapeutic TENS
Superficial Therapy Cold Superficial Therapy Cold Superficial Therapy Cold
Superficial Therapy Heat Superficial Therapy Heat Superficial Therapy Heat
Deep thermal Deep thermal Deep thermal
Biofeedback Biofeedback Biofeedback
Pressure relief Pressure relief Pressure relief
Skin check Skin check Skin check
Static fingers Static fingers Static fingers
Static thumb Static thumb Static thumb
Static wrist Static wrist Static wrist
Static elbow Static elbow Static elbow
Static shoulder Static shoulder Static shoulder
Dynamic fingers Dynamic fingers Dynamic fingers
Dynamic thumb Dynamic thumb Dynamic thumb
Dynamic wrist Dynamic wrist Dynamic wrist
Dynamic elbow Dynamic elbow Dynamic elbow
Dynamic shoulder Dynamic shoulder Dynamic shoulder
Serial-Progressive fingers Serial-Progressive fingers Serial-Progressive fingers
Serial-Progressive thumb Serial-Progressive thumb Serial-Progressive thumb
Serial-Progressive wrist Serial-Progressive wrist Serial-Progressive wrist
Serial-Progressive elbow Serial-Progressive elbow Serial-Progressive elbow
Serial Casting fingers Serial Casting fingers Serial Casting fingers
Serial Casting wrist Serial Casting wrist Serial Casting wrist
Serial Casting thumb Serial Casting thumb Serial Casting thumb
Serial Casting elbow Serial Casting elbow Serial Casting elbow
Soft splint/neoprene fingers Soft splint/neoprene fingers Soft splint/neoprene fingers
Soft splint/neoprene thumb Soft splint/neoprene thumb Soft splint/neoprene thumb
Soft splint/neoprene elbow Soft splint/neoprene elbow Soft splint/neoprene elbow
Soft splint/neoprene wrist Soft splint/neoprene wrist Soft splint/neoprene wrist
Elbow immobilizer Elbow immobilizer Elbow immobilizer
TLSO/Trunk orthosis TLSO/Trunk orthosis TLSO/Trunk orthosis
Elastic wraps/suits Elastic wraps/suits Elastic wraps/suits
Therapeutic taping Therapeutic taping Therapeutic taping
Neuroprosthesis (FES) Neuroprosthesis (FES) Neuroprosthesis (FES)
Robotics Robotics Robotics
Manual wheelchair Manual wheelchair Manual wheelchair
Power wheelchair Power wheelchair Power wheelchair
Walker Walker Walker
Gait Trainer/Weight Supported Walkers Gait Trainer/Weight Supported Walkers Gait Trainer/Weight Supported Walkers
Push toy Push toy Push toy
Overhead suspension Overhead suspension Overhead suspension
Other mobility Other mobility Other mobility
Static seating Static seating Static seating
Dynamic seating Dynamic seating Dynamic seating
Floor positioning Floor positioning Floor positioning
Stander Stander Stander
Other positioning Other positioning Other positioning
Computer software Computer software Computer software
Computer hardware Computer hardware Computer hardware
Tablet/mobile device Tablet/mobile device Tablet/mobile device
Switches Switches Switches
Adapted toys/games Adapted toys/games Adapted toys/games
Pictures/schedules Pictures/schedules Pictures/schedules
Bathing/showering AE Bathing/showering AE Bathing/showering AE
Toileting AE Toileting AE Toileting AE
Hoyer/overhead lift Hoyer/overhead lift Hoyer/overhead lift
Other AE Other AE Other AE
Virtual reality Virtual reality Virtual reality
Video gaming Video gaming Video gaming
Pet-assisted therapy Pet-assisted therapy Pet-assisted therapy
Aquatic therapy Aquatic therapy Aquatic therapy
AAC device AAC device Augmentative and alternative communication device


Occupation therapy intervention type


The type as related to intervention in occupational therapy.


BRICS Variable Name