In the last 7 days, have you:

General Details:

In the last 7 days, have you:
From CDC COVID-19 Community survey question bank (DRAFT)
Registration Status:

Permissible Values:

Data Type:
Value List
Unit of Measure:
Value Code Name Code Code System Code Description
Gone out to a restaurant, bar, club or other place where people gather? Gone out to a restaurant, bar, club or other place where people gather? Gone out to a restaurant, bar, club or other place where people gather?
Visited with older friends, relatives or neighbors? Older =60 years old or older Visited with older friends, relatives or neighbors? Older =60 years old or older Visited with older friends, relatives or neighbors? Older =60 years old or older
Gone to the grocery store or pharmacy? Gone to the grocery store or pharmacy? Gone to the grocery store or pharmacy?
Gone to a friend, neighbor or relative’s house (that is not your own)? Gone to a friend, neighbor or relative’s house (that is not your own)? Gone to a friend, neighbor or relative’s house (that is not your own)?
Had more than 10 friends, neighbors or relatives over to your house? Had more than 10 friends, neighbors or relatives over to your house? Had more than 10 friends, neighbors or relatives over to your house?
Gone to a family gathering where there were more than 10 people such as a reunion, wedding, funeral, birthday party? Gone to a family gathering where there were more than 10 people such as a reunion, wedding, funeral, birthday party? Gone to a family gathering where there were more than 10 people such as a reunion, wedding, funeral, birthday party?
Gone to a gathering of friends where there were more than 10 people such as a party, wedding, or concert? Gone to a gathering of friends where there were more than 10 people such as a party, wedding, or concert? Gone to a gathering of friends where there were more than 10 people such as a party, wedding, or concert?
Gone to a faith based gathering such as a church, synagogue, temple or mosque? Gone to a faith based gathering such as a church, synagogue, temple or mosque? Gone to a faith based gathering such as a church, synagogue, temple or mosque?


In the last 7 days, have you:


From CDC COVID-19 Community survey question bank (DRAFT)

