0 |
0 - Normal (5/5) |
0 - Normal (5/5) |
1 |
1 - Mild (movement against resistance but not full power 4/5) |
1 - Mild (movement against resistance but not full power 4/5) |
2 |
2 - Moderate (movement against gravity but not with added resistance 3/5) |
2 - Moderate (movement against gravity but not with added resistance 3/5) |
3 |
3 - Severe (movement of joint but not against gravity 2/5) |
3 - Severe (movement of joint but not against gravity 2/5) |
4 |
4 - Near paralysis (muscular activity without movement 1/5) |
4 - Near paralysis (muscular activity without movement 1/5) |
5 |
5 - Total paralysis (0/5) |
5 - Total paralysis (0/5) |