Working without pay |
Exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something.: Used to indicate the absence or lack of something or someone.:Money or other benefits received in exchange for work. C74299:C25718:C180612 |
Employed full-time |
Employed for a standard number of hours of working time, at least 50% or 20 hours per week. C52658 |
Employed part-time |
Employment involving less than the standard or customary working time. C75562 |
Not employed and not looking for work |
The state of not having a job.:An operation in which a term denies or inverts the meaning of another term or construction.:An indication that an individual is seeking work. C75563:C25594:C16548 |
Only Temporarily Laid Off, Sick Leave or Maternity Leave |
An indication that an individual is temporarily not working due to being laid off or to being on a leave of absence because of an illness or the birth or adoption of a child. C177653:C148251:C37998:C172445 |
Looking for Work, Unemployed |
An indication that an individual is seeking work C165487 |
Retired |
To stop working at one's occupation; the state of being retired C78237 |
Disabled, Permanent or Temporarily |
Groups with similar restrictions or lack or ability to perform physical or mental activities in a manner or within the range considered normal for a human being C16661 |
Raising children full-time or Keeping House |
An indication that an individual is employed in their home, either raising children full-time or keeping house C165488 |
Student |
A person who is enrolled in an educational institution C75561 |
Other, Specify |
A directive to specify when the listed responses are not sufficient. C157101 |