Use of CDEs Supports the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy

Explore CDEs and Forms
A Common Data Element (CDE) is a standardized, precisely defined question, paired with a set of allowable responses, used systematically across different sites, studies, or clinical trials to ensure consistent data collection.
Multiple CDEs (from one or more Collections) can be curated into Forms. Forms in the Repository might be original, or might recreate the format of real-world data collection instruments or case report forms.
NIH has endorsed collections of CDEs that meet established criteria. NIH-endorsed CDEs are designated with a gold ribbon.
NIH Workshop: Advancing the Use and Development of CDEs in Research
NIH hosted a hybrid CDE workshop on March 6-7, 2024.
Dr. Susan Gregurick from the Office of Data Science Strategy welcomed participants, and NIH Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli gave the opening keynote. Over two days, speakers from NIH, other government agencies (CDC, FDA, ONC), academia, associations, and the private sector presented and led discussions on:
- The Value of Common Data Elements (CDEs)
- Current NIH Resources for CDEs
- Overcoming Barriers in CDE Adoption, Mapping, and Use in Community Research
- Technical Implementation Aspects of Mapping, Transformation and Harmonization
- Approaches to Improve Interoperability
- Use Cases for Preparing and Applying CDEs for Intelligent Technologies
A workshop summary is available from the website, and recordings of the sessions are linked on the agenda page.
Live CDE training December 12, 2024
Through live demonstrations and hands-on exercises, this course will introduce you to common data elements (CDEs) and the NIH Common Data Element Repository (CDE-R). The course begins with an in-depth introduction to what CDEs are and examples of how researchers are already using them. Then, you’ll see how to search the repository and practice searching on your own.
Consider taking this course if you:
- Want to standardize the data you collect so it can be easily shared with and reused by colleagues and other researchers
- Have been awarded a grant that requires the use of CDEs
- Have heard that CDEs can be part of a compliant data management and sharing plan
- Assist researchers with the research data management lifecycle
Date and Time: December 12, 2024 at 1pm EST
Duration: 90 minutes
Register here:
If you do not already have an account with the Network of the National Library of Medicine, a free account is required to register and access the course.