If yes, is there a certain age you feel is appropriate to discuss YOUR BABY'S diagnosis with your other children?
Has learning about YOUR BABY'S diagnosis at an early age allowed you to modify any future plans?
If yes, how?
Some examples of how your family's plans could change include having additional children, moving into a one-story house or making structural changes to your current home, changing jobs, discussing your son's diagnosis with his school, or moving closer to family.
This is the last section of the interview. I would now like to ask you about the care and support you and your family have received since YOUR BABY was diagnosed with Duchenne.
Is YOUR BABY receiving care in a neuromuscular clinic?
What type of care and treatment options have they recommended and what is your baby receiving?
Has participation in the Duchenne Registry been discussed with you?
Have clinical trials been discussed with you?
Have you been in contact with any of the muscular dystrophy patient advocacy groups, local support networks, early intervention services, or other parents of children with Duchenne?
If yes, have they been helpful and if so, how?
If no, are there reasons why you haven't contacted them or why they have not been helpful?
Has any other group or organization been of support to you?
When considering all of the support resources you have been exposed to, is there one that stands out as being the most helpful to you so far?
How has it been most helpful to you?
What do you and your family feel you needed the most help/support with since your baby's diagnosis?
Did you need more information about scheduling medical and therapy appointments following diagnosis, and understanding who needs to be a part of your baby's care team?
We would like to hear any feedback you have regarding the care and support you've received since your child's diagnosis of Duchenne.
Have you encountered any financial or insurance barriers when accessing care?
Have there been gaps in the care or resources provided to you or your child?